Parte I: Un agujero en la pared.
Me es difícil recordar que alguna vez el mundo del cine haya recibido con regocijo y sorpresa a una película que se haya basado en un mundo de los videojuegos.
Y eso es porque no hay memorias, no hay escritos, no hay nada que eleve ese nombre dentro del séptimo arte.
No sé qué pasa; : ¿Acaso hay una maldición o qué?
Que quede claro que escribo esto desde el punto de vista referido a la crítica especializada y un poco relacionado con la taquilla. Por que digan lo que digan los dos indicadores anteriores, siempre tendremos una de esas películas como alguna de nuestras favoritas.Y eso no tiene nada de malo en lo absoluto. (Pocas lo merecen, !otras ni idea!)
Mas volviendo al tema; si hacemos un poco de investigación, veremos que ninguna película basada en videojuegos sobrepasa el 50% de aprobación respecto a críticas. (Página donde leí estas referencias.)
Ya si hablamos de películas basadas en algún elemento de estos, la más aceptada es "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within", con un 43%. Pero esta sólo comparte conexión con su alter-ego en el título, Final Fantasy. Pues hubiera sido mejor para sí misma ser de otro universo. Ya que muchos fans no dibujaron sonrisas ante este cambio total. Sabemos que los juegos de esta franquicia son entre sí muy diferentes (cada episodio relata una historia y mundos diferentes), pero la versión fílmica se parecía más a los mundos de Aliens y Starship Troopers.
Pero si queremos hablar de una película de verdad más basada en elementos de su videojuego, es el "Príncipe de Persia: Las Arenas del Tiempo" (2010), con un 35% de visto bueno.
!No rebasamos ni el 50%!
Otras que se acercaron al 35% (Entre 32 a 34) son la primer película de "Mortal Kombat", la primera de "Resident Evil" y "Dead or Alive".
Respecto a la taquilla, el Príncipe se vuelve a llevar la corona, con alrededor de 335 millones de dólares recaudados a nivel mundial. Aunque no fue lo suficiente para todas sus expectativas y trabajo invertido.
Y el pobre Spirits sólo llegó a recaudar 85 millones de los 137 gastados (lo que en Hollywood se es conocido como "Box Office bomb").
Desde el comienzo, con la desastrosa "Super Mario Bros." de 1993, los videojuegos han sido retratados con fracasos en diferentes niveles dentro del Séptimo arte.
La única franquicia que ha sobrevivido a través de las millonarias recaudaciones, pues la crítica la ha odiado desde sus comienzos, es la franquicia de "Resident Evil".
Con sus seguidores divididos por preferencias entre el videojuego y la propia película (al igual que sucede con los filmes basados en libros), Paul W. S. Anderson logró abrir un nicho de un tanto de éxito para este tipo de cine.
Y es la verdad, ya que es la única que sigue recaudando un tanto más tras una primera trilogía. Hasta el momento, la quinta y última parte (Retribution) no ha superado a su predecesora "Afterlife".
Y la última versión fílmica, basada en el escalofriante mundo de "Silent Hill" y que no se ha estrenado todavía aquí en Bolivia, ha sido prácticamente escupida por todos. Con un 7% de aprobación, Silent Hill Revelation 3D no fue la salvadora o el ángel de los videojuegos. (Yo diré mi veredicto final cuando la vea y voy a esperar al cine o al DVD... lo que llegue primero de esas dos opciones.)
Ahora con los anuncios que oficializan las pre-producciones de "Assassin's Creed", "Splinter Cell" y "Deux Ex: Human Revolution", los videojuegos se levantan. (Sí, recordando a Batman en el artículo de IGN.)
Principalmente por los dos primeros títulos mencionados, ya que consiguieron reclutar a sus filas actores de renombre. Para Assassin's Creed es "Michael Fassbender" (Prometheus, X-Men First Class y Shame) y "Tom Hardy" (The Dark Knight Rises, Warrior e Inception) para Splinter Cell.
Pero pregunto; ¿será esto suficiente para conseguir el film basado en videojuegos que TODOS esperamos? ¿Qué es suficiente?
It's hard to remember that once the film world have received with joy and surprise to a film that was based on a video game world.
And that's because no memories, no writing, there is nothing to raise that name inside the cinema.
I do not know what happens; Is there a curse or what?!
Let it be clear that I write this from the point of view based on the critics and some related to the box office. Because whatever they say on these indicators, we will always have one of those films as one of our favorites.And that has nothing wrong at all. (Few deserve it! Other no idea!)
But back to the subject, if we do a little research, you will see that any movie based on video games exceeds 50% approval regarding reviews. (Page where I read these references.)
Now if we talk about films based on some element of these, the most accepted is "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within", with 43%. But this connection is shared only with his alter-ego in the title, Final Fantasy. Maybe it would were better for herself to be from another universe. Since many fans did not draw smiles at this reversal. We know that this franchise games are very different from each other (each episode tells a story and different worlds), but the film version was more like the worlds of Aliens and Starship Troopers.
But if we are talking about a movie more based on elements of his game, is the "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" (2010), with a 35% approval.
Not even 50%!
Others who came to 35% (32 to 34) are the first film "Mortal Kombat", the first "Resident Evil" and "Dead or Alive".
Regarding the box office, Prince turns to wear the crown, with about 335 million raised worldwide. Although it was not enough for all of its expectations and work invested.
And the poor Spirits went on to gross, only 85 million of the 137 spent (what is known in Hollywood as "box office bomb").
From the beginning, with the disastrous "Super Mario Bros." at 1993, video games have been portrayed with failures at different levels within the cinema.
The only franchise that has survived through the millionaire revenue, the critics hated since its inception, is the franchise of "Resident Evil".
With his followers divided by preferences between video game and the movie itself (as is the case with films based on books), Paul W. S. Anderson managed to open a niche somewhat successful in this type of film.
And the truth is, since it is the only one still raising somewhat after an initial trilogy. So far, the fifth and final part (Retribution) has not surpassed its predecessor "Afterlife".
And the latest film, based on the chilling world of "Silent Hill" and that has not been released yet here in Bolivia, has been practically spit at all. With a 7% approval, Silent Hill Revelation 3D was not the savior or the angel of gaming. (I will say my final verdict when I see her and I'll wait to the film or the DVD ... whichever comes first of these two options.)
Now with the formalize of the pre-production of "Assassin's Creed," "Splinter Cell" and "Deux Ex: Human Revolution" the video games rise. (Yes, remembering Batman in IGN's article.)
Mainly because the first two titles mentioned, have managed to recruit on its ranks, renowned actors. For Assassin's Creed is "Michael Fassbender" (Prometheus, X-Men First Class and Shame) and "Tom Hardy" (The Dark Knight Rises, Warrior and Inception) to Splinter Cell.
But I ask; Will this be enough to get the film based on video games we all hope? What is enough?
Part I: A hole in the wall .
It's hard to remember that once the film world have received with joy and surprise to a film that was based on a video game world.
And that's because no memories, no writing, there is nothing to raise that name inside the cinema.
I do not know what happens; Is there a curse or what?!
Let it be clear that I write this from the point of view based on the critics and some related to the box office. Because whatever they say on these indicators, we will always have one of those films as one of our favorites.And that has nothing wrong at all. (Few deserve it! Other no idea!)
But back to the subject, if we do a little research, you will see that any movie based on video games exceeds 50% approval regarding reviews. (Page where I read these references.)
Now if we talk about films based on some element of these, the most accepted is "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within", with 43%. But this connection is shared only with his alter-ego in the title, Final Fantasy. Maybe it would were better for herself to be from another universe. Since many fans did not draw smiles at this reversal. We know that this franchise games are very different from each other (each episode tells a story and different worlds), but the film version was more like the worlds of Aliens and Starship Troopers.
But if we are talking about a movie more based on elements of his game, is the "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" (2010), with a 35% approval.
Not even 50%!
Others who came to 35% (32 to 34) are the first film "Mortal Kombat", the first "Resident Evil" and "Dead or Alive".
Regarding the box office, Prince turns to wear the crown, with about 335 million raised worldwide. Although it was not enough for all of its expectations and work invested.
And the poor Spirits went on to gross, only 85 million of the 137 spent (what is known in Hollywood as "box office bomb").
From the beginning, with the disastrous "Super Mario Bros." at 1993, video games have been portrayed with failures at different levels within the cinema.
The only franchise that has survived through the millionaire revenue, the critics hated since its inception, is the franchise of "Resident Evil".
With his followers divided by preferences between video game and the movie itself (as is the case with films based on books), Paul W. S. Anderson managed to open a niche somewhat successful in this type of film.
And the truth is, since it is the only one still raising somewhat after an initial trilogy. So far, the fifth and final part (Retribution) has not surpassed its predecessor "Afterlife".
And the latest film, based on the chilling world of "Silent Hill" and that has not been released yet here in Bolivia, has been practically spit at all. With a 7% approval, Silent Hill Revelation 3D was not the savior or the angel of gaming. (I will say my final verdict when I see her and I'll wait to the film or the DVD ... whichever comes first of these two options.)
Now with the formalize of the pre-production of "Assassin's Creed," "Splinter Cell" and "Deux Ex: Human Revolution" the video games rise. (Yes, remembering Batman in IGN's article.)
Mainly because the first two titles mentioned, have managed to recruit on its ranks, renowned actors. For Assassin's Creed is "Michael Fassbender" (Prometheus, X-Men First Class and Shame) and "Tom Hardy" (The Dark Knight Rises, Warrior and Inception) to Splinter Cell.
But I ask; Will this be enough to get the film based on video games we all hope? What is enough?
Part 2... COMING SOON. Stay tuned.
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